Tuesday 19 July 2011

BIZ: God Save the BSkyb!

Nobody on the top seat ever knows anything that's going on below.  At least that is what they all preach.  Diamond Jim Dolye never knew about the illegial contracts involving Georgia Thompson, Coach Jim Tressel never knew college football players were getting paid...you get the idea. 

Call me pessimistic, but there are just some instances when common sense just wants to crawl out of its cave and scream, OH, PLEASE!

And now, unraveling like a yarn ball in the paws of a cat, please welcome to the forum, the British (now former) British tabloid newspaper, the News of the World.  For those who do not know, the run down is this: the News of the World has been hacking into people's cell phone for years, admittedly hacking royal aides' phones, while other accusations have included hacking into the phones of soldiers, celebraties, polticians and sports stars, and perhaps none more is getting press than the allegations of the tabloid having hacked into the phone of Milly Dowler and deleting voice mails, after she was abducted. 

Of course neither former editor Andy Coulson, nor Rupert Murdoch, nor his son James, nor former editor Rebekah Brooks, had any idea any of the allegations being hurled.  Of course they didn't.  Coulson was the editor during the admitted royal hacking scandal.  He resigned after, but of course he knew about the hacking in the royal affair.  Brooks editor during the alleged Milly Dowler hacking scandal, same story, "she had no idea."  She did admit years later she knew of her report buying information from police. Intersting. 

Most of us are only average citizens and what we know is only what is reported by the press.  We do not have access to the facts, insights or reports that government, press, and police do.  But fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.  And the trail on this entire situation stinks, and where there is smoke there is usually fire.  So do we know if Ms. Brooks, Mr. Coulson, Mudoch Sr. or Jr. had any involvement in this?  No, we cannot say definitively.  However, these people were responsible for overseeing the organization running this mucky business.  And perhaps for that reason alone, poor oversight and leadership should be enough for David Cameron and his government to intervene and prevent the News Corporation from taking over Bskyb.  Would you want these people running your favorite news source?  Not me.

that's the INTL lead on the News of the World as I see it. Cheers!

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